Danish loans

Want to compare and apply for secure loans from leading lenders in Denmark? Find reliable information about Danish banks and up to date loan rates. We compare different lenders and help you find the lowest loan rates on the market.

Read this before application.

Basic loan application terms & conditions:

  1. You must be a Danish citizen.
  2. Only aged between 18 and 70 are eligible.
  3. You must be earning over 100,000 kronor a year pre tax income.
  4. You live in Denmark.
  5. You have a fixed postal address in the country.
  6. You are not included in the RKI register.


Danish Bank Loan

A simple comparison table showing up to date best bank loan rates in ascending order.

Bankloan Rates Fees Income requirement

Loan agent - compare several bank loans

4.95–29.95%. 500-15000kr 100 000 kr
5% 0 kr No data
8.99% 950 kr 100 000 kr